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image |
1. After cleaning windshield
good, spray down windshield with a soap mixture (couple of drops of Joy,
Dawn, or Baby Shampoo to a gallon of water in a spray bottle) |
2. Saturate winshield with soap mixture |
3. Peel windshield strip apart |
4. Spray down lightly so you have some of
the mixture on the vinyl sun visor |
5. Carefully place the windshield strip
over the windshield |
6. Spray mist of mixture on top of vinyl
strip and squeegee to get out all water bubbles |
7. Dont rush this step, make sure all bubbles
are out! (later they will be "locked-in") |
8. Make sure the edges are squeegeed down |
9. Use a razor or razor knife to cut any
excess decal left over |
10. Allow razor to slide along outside gasket |
11. Peel off excess material before it dries,
then again squegee the edges |
12. Peel the second decal |
13. Take your second decal and spray it
down with the same mixture as before |
14. Line it up straight with the windshield
strip |
15. Squegee and remove pre-mask |